Want to be a Virginia NSDAC Member?

We welcome new members throughout the year! Reach out and see what we are all about!

Chapters meet at least 4 times per year to perform chapter business. Chapter meetings usually include social time and sometimes educational or historical programs for their members. It’s always enjoyable! There are also two State Meetings and two National Meetings per year in the Fall and Spring.

New members become part of a Chapter, a State Society, and the National Society, which is one of the larger of the nation’s hereditary organizations. Every member’s interest and participation is vital to aid the Society in continuing to grow in strength and achievement, in love of country, in historical preservation of a cherished heritage, and in education of all citizens in what America is and for what it stands.

A. Eligibility:
Any woman who is a citizen of the United States of America, is of good moral character, and has attained her eighteenth year, shall be eligible for NSDAC membership, provided that she shall be acceptable to the Society and shall meet each of the following requirements:

A. Lineal descent. The applicant shall be of lineal descent from those men and women who were actual residents of America when it was under foreign government as colonies and who served prior to July 4, 1776 in any of the following capacities prior to July 4, 1776:
1. In battle under colonial authority
2. Under the banner of Great Britain in North America in any of the wars in which the colonists participated
3. All military and naval service of the colonies
4. Furnished troops or funds
5. Filled office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Deputy Governor
6. Member or Delegate to Council or Assembly
7. Member of House of Burgesses
8. Deputy or Representative to the General Court
9. Commissioner of the United Colonies, of Boundaries or Treaties, of Import or Excise, to the French or Indians
10. Secretary, Magistrate, Selectman, Justice, Judge of any Court of Law or Equity, Attorney, Advocate, Solicitor, Juryman, Sheriff, Constable, or other forms of civil service
11.Founder or Trustee of any College in North America
12. Minister of the Gospel or Commissary of the Bishop of London
13. Member of the Committee of Safety of the Continental Congress, 1774 and 1775
14. Member of the Council of Safety of 1689
15. Signers of the Mayflower Compact and documented Mayflower passengers who arrived in Plymouth and resided in the colonies
16. Speaker of the House of Deputies
17. Physician or Surgeon
18. Member of the Provincial Congress
19.Signer of the Declaration of Independence
20. Huguenot Refugee
21.Signer of the Oath of Allegiance to Great Britain
22. Original Land Owner, not inheritor
23. Member of the London, Plymouth or Virginia Companies who actually came to the colonies, or the first immigrant descendant of any member of these companies who resided in the colonies
24. Palatine Settler
25. Convenanter from Scotland who actually came to the Colonies or the first immigrant descendant of a Convenanter from Scotland
26. Saltzburger of Georgia
27. Participant in the Regulator Movement of 1765-1771 in North Carolina or in the Regulator Movement of 1767-1769 in South Carolina

B. Proof of eligibility. The applicant shall submit evidence of lineal descent. Legal adoption shall not qualify for lineal descent. References submitted shall be independent of any other lineage society.

C. Allegiance to the United States of America. The applicant shall not be pledged to, or advocate by force or violence, the overthrow of the government of the United States of America or that of any state or territory therein, or be guilty of treasonable practices. This Society shall have the right to expel from its membership any person for any of these causes; any questions arising under this proviso shall be determined by this Society.

D. Conformity to NSDAC governing documents. The applicant shall agree to conform to the Certificate of Incorporation, Federal Charter, Bylaws and policies adopted by the National Society.

B. Application Process:

1. Reach out to the Chapter Regent for the chapter closest to you or the one you’d prefer to join. Feel free to ask them questions about the chapter or society to see if it is something you’d like to do. Prospective members will require recommendation, in writing, by two chapter members, and a chapter vote, so express your desire to the Chapter Regent to support this process.

2. The Chapter Regent will then issue a written invitation to the prospective member. Should an applicant be unable to complete her lineage papers within one year, the invitation shall expire unless an extension is granted.

3. The Chapter Regent will then likely refer you to the Chapter Registrar to assist you through the application process. The first part of the process is to validate you have an eligible direct ancestor from which to base your ancestral lineage for your application. The Chapter Registrar will provide guidance on how to complete the application and submit the appropriate associated evidence.

4. The Chapter Registrar will submit the application and associated evidence to the Virginia State Registrar for processing. It may take a few months from submission before the participant is notified of the application acceptance or if follow-up actions are required.

5. Once you’ve been approved, you will be notified by the Chapter and you will receive a beautiful certificate that recognizes you and your ancestor!